COBIT 5 Foundation v1.0

Course Overview
In this course, students will learn about the key features of COBIT 5, as well as the COBIT 5
principles, the COBIT 5 enablers, implementation guidance, and the process capability model.
Course Introduction 2m
Course Introduction
Chapter 01 – Course Introduction 11m
Lesson: Course Organization
Welcome to the Course
Mentoring Community
Why Are You Here?
What Do You Expect?
Housekeeping Online
Quizzes & Exercises
Getting Started with an Online Class
Lesson: Course Agenda
Course Contents
Course Materials
Course Objectives and Content
Chapter 01 Review
Chapter 02 – Overview and Key Features of COBIT 5 15m
Lesson: Overview
Learning Outcome
Lesson: Key Features
Enterprise Stakeholder Needs
Why COBIT 5?
COBIT 5 – The Drivers
The Benefits of COBIT 5
Format of COBIT 5
COBIT 5 Family
Checkpoint Instructions
End of Chapter Quiz
Review of End of Chapter Quiz
Chapter 02 Review
Chapter 03 – COBIT 5 Principles 1h 15m
Lesson: Overview
Learning Outcome
The Five Key Principles
Lesson: Principle 1: Meeting Stakeholder Needs
External Stakeholders
Internal Stakeholders
Meeting Stakeholder Needs
Goals Cascade
Let’s Try It
Goals Cascade (Cont.)
Let’s Try It (Cont.)
Purpose of the Goals Cascade
Lesson: Principle 2: Covering the Enterprise End-to-End
Discussion Point – Services and Business Processes
Governance and Management in COBIT 5
Governance Enablers
Governance Scope
Roles, Activities and Relationships
Lesson: Principle 3: Applying a Single Integrated Framework
Discussion Point – Frameworks
COBIT 5 and Legacy ISACA Frameworks
COBIT 5 Product Family
Applying a Single Integrated Framework
Lesson: Principle 4: Enabling a Holistic Approach
Enterprise Enablers
The Seven Categories of Enablers
Enabler Interconnection
Discussion Point – Enablers
Enabler Dimensions and Performance Measurement
Lesson: Principle 5: Separating Governance from Management
Governance and Management
Process Reference Model
Checkpoint Instructions
Exercise Quiz
Review of Exercise Quiz
End of Chapter Quiz
Review of End of Chapter Quiz
Chapter 03 Review
Chapter 04 – COBIT 5 Enablers 1h 26m
Lesson: Overview
Learning Outcome
COBIT 5 Enablers Are:
COBIT 5 Enablers Have:
Lesson: Enabler 1: Principles, Policies and Frameworks
Principles, Policies and Frameworks – Purpose
Characteristics of Good Policies
Discussion Point
Frameworks and the Policy Lifecycle
Good Practices
Relationships with Other Enablers
Lesson: Enabler 2: Processes
Definition of a Process
Process Enabler Specifics
Process Stakeholders
Process Goals and Good Practices
Process Performance Management
The Process Reference Model
Discussion Point – Process Walk-through
Process Goal Categories
Relationships with Other Enablers
Lesson: Enabler 3: Organisational Structures
Organisational Structures Enabler Specifics
Good Practices
Discussion Point – Good Practices
Illustrative Organisational Structures
Relationships with Other Enablers
Lesson: Enabler 4: Culture, Ethics and Behaviour
Culture, Ethics and Behaviour Enabler Specifics
Discussion Point – Attitudes
Good Practices
Relationships with Other Enablers
Lesson: Enabler 5: Information
Information Enabler Specifics
Goals for Information Quality
COBIT 5 Equivalents to COBIT 4.1 Information Criteria
The Information Cycle
Good Practices – A Proposed Structure of Information Properties
Possible Uses of the Information Model
Lesson: Enabler 6: Services, Infrastructure and Applications
Services, Infrastructure and Applications Enabler Specifics
Good Practices
Relationships with Other Enablers
Lesson: Enabler 7: People, Skills and Competencies
People, Skills and Competencies Enabler Specifics
Good Practices
Discussion Point – Skills
Good Practices – Skills Categories
Relationships with Other Enablers
Checkpoint Instructions
Exercise Quiz
Review of Exercise Quiz
End of Chapter Quiz
Review of End of Chapter Quiz
Chapter 04 Review
Chapter 05 – Implementation Guidance 46m
Lesson: Overview
Learning Outcome
Implementation Guidance
The Enterprise Context
Discussion Point – Internal and External Factors
Implementation Lifecycle
The Lifecycle Components
Programme Management
Change Enablement
Continual Improvement Lifecycle
Lesson: Implementation Steps
Phase 1: What Are the Drivers?
Pain Points and Trigger Events
Typical Pain Points
Typical Trigger Events
Phase 2: Where Are We Now?
Phase 3: Where Do We Want to Be?
Discussion Point – Road Map
Phase 3 – Where Do We Want to Be?
Phase 4: What Needs to be Done?
Business Case Contents
Phase 5: How Do We Get There?
Phase 6: Did We Get There?
Phase 7: How Do We Keep the Momentum Going?
Key Success Factors
Checkpoint Instructions
Exercise Quiz
Review of Exercise Quiz
End of Chapter Quiz
Review of End of Chapter Quiz
Chapter 05 Review
Chapter 06 – Process Capability Model and COBIT 5 Summary 48m
Lesson: Process Capability Model
Learning Outcome
Process Assessments
Capability Levels
Important Terms
Process Attributes
Process Capability Levels
The Process Attribute Rating Scale
Process Attribute Ratings and Capability Levels
Discussion Point – Process Assessment
Process Capability Assessments
Checkpoint Instructions
Exercise Review
Review of Exercise Quiz
End of Chapter Quiz
Review of End of Chapter Quiz
Chapter 06 Review
Lesson: COBIT 5 Summary
Drivers, Benefits and Framework
5 Principles
7 Enablers
Process Capability Model
Course Closure
Total Duration: 4h 41m

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