Course Overview
This course provides students with the knowledge and skills to create and edit simple
documents; format documents; add tables and lists; add design elements and layout options; and
proof documents.
Course Introduction 1m
Course Introduction
Lesson 01 – Getting Started with Word 31m
Topic A: Identify the Components of the Word Interface
Word 2013 Landing Page
A Word Document
The Word Application Window
The Ribbon
The Backstage View
The Clipboard Task Pane
The Quick Styles Gallery
Print Layout View
Last Location Bookmark
The View Tab
Demo 1-1: Working with Components of the Word Application Window
Demo 1-2: Opening and Displaying a Document in Different Views
Demo 1-3: Applying Different Window Views
Demo 1-4: Using Zoom Options
Topic B: Create a Word Document
The Print Window
Demo 1-5: Creating a New Document
Demo 1-6: Saving a Word Document
Demo 1-7: Previewing and Printing a Document
Topic C: Help
The Word Help Window
Demo 1-8: Finding Help in Word
Lesson 01 Review
Lesson 02 – Editing a Document 19m
Topic A: Find and Select Text
Demo 2-1: Navigating and Selecting Text
Topic B: Modify Text
Live Preview
Demo 2-2: Copying and Pasting Text
The Undo Command
The Redo Command
Demo 2-3: Using the Undo and Redo Commands
Topic C: Find and Replace Text
The Navigation Pane
The Find and Replace Dialog Box
Find Options
Demo 2-4: Finding and Replacing Text
Lesson 02 Review
Lesson 03 – Formatting Text and Paragraphs 49m
Topic A: Apply Character Formatting
The Mini Toolbar
The Format Painter
Demo 3-1: Applying Different Font Options to Text
Demo 3-2: Highlighting Text
Demo 3-3: Using the Format Painter to Format Text
Topic B: Align Text Using Tabs
Text Aligned with Tab Stops
The Tabs Dialog Box
Demo 3-4: Setting Tabs
Topic C: Display Text as List Items
Bulleted and Numbered Lists
Demo 3-5: Creating a Bulleted List
Demo 3-6: Creating a Numbered List
Topic D: Control Paragraph Layout
Indents Applied to Paragraphs
Demo 3-7: Setting Paragraph Alignment
Demo 3-8: Setting Indents in a Paragraph
Demo 3-9: Setting Spacing Options in a Document
Demo 3-10: Setting Hyphenation Options
Topic E: Apply Borders and Shading
Page and Paragraph Borders
Shading Applied to Bordered Text
The Borders and Shading Dialog Box
Demo 3-11: Adding Borders and Shading
Topic F: Apply Styles
Word Styles Applied to Text
The Quick Styles Gallery
The Styles Task Pane
Demo 3-12: Applying Styles
Topic G: Manage Formatting
The Reveal Formatting Task Pane
Demo 3-13: Reveal and Clear Formatting
Demo 3-14: Find and Replace Formatting
Lesson 03 Review
Lesson 04 – Adding Tables 23m
Topic A: Insert a Table
Data Organized into a Table
The Quick Tables Gallery
Demo 4-1: Inserting a Table in a Document
Topic B: Modify a Table
The Table Properties Dialog Box
Demo 4-2: Inserting and Deleting Rows and Columns
Demo 4-3: Moving and Resizing Columns
Topic C: Format a Table
Demo 4-4: Formatting a Table
Topic D: Convert Text to a Table
The Convert Text to Table Dialog Box
The Convert Table To Text Dialog Box
Demo 4-5: Converting Data
Lesson 04 Review
Lesson 05 – Managing Lists 14m
Topic A: Sort a List
Demo 5-1: Sorting a List
Topic B: Renumber a List
Demo 5-2: Renumbering a List
Topic C: Customize a List
A Multilevel List
The Multilevel List Gallery
Demo 5-3: Creating a Multilevel List
Demo 5-4: Customizing a List’s Appearance
Lesson 05 Review
Lesson 06 – Inserting Graphic Objects 11m
Topic A: Insert Symbols and Special Characters
Demo 6-1: Inserting Symbols and Special Characters in a
Topic B: Add Images to a Document
Clip Art
Demo 6-2: Adding an Image to a Document
Lesson 06 Review
Lesson 07 – Controlling Page Appearance 24m
Topic A: Apply a Page Border and Color
The Page Border Tab
Demo 7-1: Applying a Page Border
Topic B: Add a Watermark
A Watermark
The Printed Watermark Dialog Box
Demo 7-2: Adding a Watermark to a Document
Topic C: Add Headers and Footers
Headers and Footers
Demo 7-3: Inserting Headers and Footers
Demo 7-4: Modifying a Header and Footer
Topic D: Control Page Layout
Portrait and Landscape Orientations
Manual Page Breaks
The Page Setup Dialog Box
Demo 7-5: Controlling Page Layout
Lesson 07 Review
Lesson 08 – Proofing a Document 19m
Topic A: Check Spelling and Grammar
The Spelling Pane
The Grammar Pane
Readability Statistics
The Word Count Dialog Box
Demo 8-1: Enabling Readability Statistics
Demo 8-2: Checking Spelling, Grammar, and Length of a
Topic B: Other Proofing Tools
The Thesaurus
Demo 8-3: Using the Thesaurus
The Research Task Pane
Demo 8-4: Using the Research Task Pane
Translating Selected Text
Research Options
Demo 8-5: Checking Accessibility
Lesson 08 Review
Lesson 09 – Customizing the Word Environment 20m
Topic A: Customize the Word Interface
The Word Options Dialog Box
The AutoCorrect Dialog Box
Demo 9-1: Customizing the Quick Access Toolbar
Demo 9-2: Customizing the Ribbon
Demo 9-3: Setting AutoCorrect Options
Topic B: Additional Save Options
Word 2013 File Formats
Demo 9-4: Saving a Word Document in a Different File
Demo 9-5: Using the Compatibility Checker
Demo 9-6: Changing AutoSave Options
Demo 9-7: Recovering an Unsaved Document
Lesson 09 Review
Course Closure
Total Duration: 3h 33m