Course Overview
This ILT Series course builds on the skills and concepts taught in Access 2010: Basic. Students
will learn how to normalize data, manage table relationships, and enforce referential integrity;
work with Lookup fields and subdatasheets; create join queries, calculated fields, and summary
values; add objects to forms and create advanced form types; print reports and labels; create and
modify charts; and use PivotTables and PivotCharts.
Course Overview
Course Introduction 2m
Course Introduction
Unit 01 Relational Databases 39m
Topic A: Database Normalization
Steps to Normalize: Rule 1
Steps to Normalize: Rule 2
Steps to Normalize: Rule 3
Demo A3: Using the Table Analyzer
Demo A4: Identifying Object Dependencies
Topic B: Table Relationships
Establishing Relationships
The Relationships Window
Demo B1: Establishing a OnetoOne Table Relationship
OnetoMany Relationship
Demo B2: Establishing a OnetoMany Table Relationship
Junction Tables
ManytoMany with Junction
Demo B3: Establishing a ManytoMany Table Relationship
Printing Table Relationships
Demo B4: Printing Table Relationships
Topic C: Referential Integrity
Referential Integrity
Demo C1: Planning Table Relationships
Orphan Records
Demo C2: Working with Orphan Records
Using Cascading Deletes
Demo C3: Setting Cascading Deletes
Testing Cascading Deletes
Demo C4: Testing Cascading Deletes
Cascading Updates
Demo C5: Using Cascading Updates
Unit 01 Review
Unit 02 Related Tables 23m
Topic A: Creating Lookup Fields
Lookup Field
Creating a Lookup Field
Demo A1: Creating a Lookup Field
Multivalued Fields
A Multivalued Lookup Column
Demo A2: Creating a Multivalued Lookup Field
Topic B: Modifying Lookup Fields
Display Column Headings
Demo B1: Modifying Lookup Field Properties
Types of Controls
Using a Value List Combo Box
Demo B2: Changing a Text Box to a Combo Box
Topic C: Using Subdatasheets
A Subdatasheet
Inserting a Subdatasheet
Demo C1: Using a Subdatasheet
Unit 02 Review
Unit 03 Complex Queries 44m
Topic A: Joining Tables in Queries
Query Wizard
Creating a Query
Demo A1: Creating a Query with the Simple Query Wizard
Creating Joins in Design View
Demo A2: Creating a Join in Design View
Creating Outer Joins
Demo A3: Creating an Outer Join
Joins with an Intermediate Table
Demo A4: Creating a Join with an Intermediate Table
Creating a SelfJoin Query
Demo A5: Creating a SelfJoin Query
Finding Unmatched Records
Demo A6: Finding Records that Do Not Match Between Tables
Finding Duplicate Records
Demo A7: Finding Duplicate Records
Demo A8: Deleting Tables from a Query
Topic B: Using Calculated Fields
Syntax for Calculated Fields
Creating Calculated Fields
Demo B1: Creating a Calculated Field
Modifying Formats
Demo B2: Changing the Format of a Displayed Value
The Expression Builder
Specifying Criteria
Demo B3: Using the Expression Builder
Topic C: Summarizing and Grouping Values
Summary Functions in Queries
Demo C1: Creating a Query to Display Summary Values
Demo C2: Using Queries to Concatenate Values
Unit 03 Review
Unit 04 Advanced Form Design 36m
Topic A: Adding Unbound Controls
Unbound Controls
Drawing a Rectangle on a Form
Demo A1: Drawing a Rectangle Around a Control
Changing the Tab Order
Demo A2: Changing the Tab Order
Creating a Grouped Control
Demo A3: Grouping Controls
Topic B: Adding Graphics
Add a Graphic to a Form
Demo B1: Adding a Graphic to a Form
Use an Unbound Object Frame
Demo B2: Embedding a Graphic in an Unbound Object Frame
Topic C: Adding Calculated Values
Bind Controls to Calculated Fields
Demo C1: Binding a Control to a Calculated Field
Create a Calculated Control
Align Controls on a Form
Demo C2: Creating a Calculated Control
Topic D: Adding Combo Boxes
Add a Combo Box to a Form
Demo D1: Adding a Combo Box to a Form
Modify Combo Box Properties
Demo D2: Modifying the Properties of a Combo Box
Topic E: Advanced Form Types
Create a Multipleitem Form
Demo E1: Creating a MultipleItem Form
A Split Form
Demo E2: Creating a Split Form
A Datasheet Form
Demo E3: Creating a Datasheet Form
A Form and Subform
Demo E4: Creating a Subform
Unit 04 Review
Unit 05 Reports and Printing 35m
Topic A: Customized Headers and Footers
Report Header
Add a Report Header
Demo A1: Adding a Report Header
Report Footer
Demo A2: Adding a Report Footer
New Formatting Rule Dialog Box
Demo A3: Applying Conditional Formatting
Set the Keep Together Property
Demo A4: Keeping Parts of a Report on the Same Page
The Group, Sort, and Total Pane
Demo A5: Adding Controls to Group Footers
Force a New Page
Demo A6: Forcing a New Page
Topic B: Calculated Values
The DateDiff Function
Using the DateDiff Function
Demo B1: Working with the DateDiff Function
The IIf Function
Demo B2: Using the IIf Function
Topic C: Printing
Printing a Database Object
Demo C1: Printing a Table
Using the Database Documenter
Demo C2: Printing a Database Document
Topic D: Labels
Using the Label Wizard
Labels in Print Preview
Demo D1: Creating Labels
Unit 05 Review
Unit 06 Charts 15m
Topic A: Charts in Forms
Adding a Chart to a Form
Chart Types
Demo A1: Creating a Chart in a Form
Naming the X and Yaxes
Demo A2: Modifying a Chart in a Form
Topic B: Charts in Reports
Charts in Reports
Demo B1: Adding a Chart to a Report
Format a Chart Item
The Chart Type Dialog Box
Demo B2: Modifying Charts in Reports
Unit 07 Review
Unit 07 PivotTables and PivotCharts 21m
Topic A: PivotTables
PivotTable View
Drop Areas
Demo A1: Examining PivotTable View
Add Fields to a PivotTable
Demo A2: Adding Fields to a PivotTable
Topic B: Modifying PivotTables
Summarize Data
Demo B1: Creating Totals
Move Fields in a PivotTable
Demo B2: Moving Fields in a PivotTable
Hide or Show Details
Demo B3: Showing and Hiding Details in a PivotTable
Change Field Settings
Demo B4: Formatting Fields
Topic C: PivotCharts
PivotChart Field Mapping
A PivotChart
Demo C1: Creating a PivotChart
Topic D: PivotTable Forms
Create a PivotTable Form
Demo D1: Creating a PivotTable Form
Unit 07 Review
Course Closure
Total Duration: 3h 35m